Fraction Simplifier

Decimal Fraction

Let you have a fraction a ⁄ b, where "a", "b" are numbers and b ≠ 0.

If b = 10, 100, 1000 ... (i.e. denominator equals any power of ten with cardinal exponent), this case the fraction is called "decimal fraction".

You may write any decimal fraction by two ways.

Decimal Fraction Decimal Number
3 ⁄ 10 0,3
15 ⁄ 100 0,15
21 ⁄ 10 2,1

You see, any decimal fraction is a fraction, so you may do addition, multiplication, division ... with decimal fractions as with fractions.
But, if a decimal fraction is written as a decimal number, you have to do addition, multiplication, division ... by special ways. There are the special rules for decimal numbers.


1,3 × 2 = 2,6
20,84 ÷ 10 = 2,084
7,05 + 11,1 = 18,15

It's interesting!

It doesn't matter what form (decimal fraction or decimal number) you choose for doing addition, subtraction, division ... You know: "Tastes differ". But, sure you have to do these operations by the rules and certainly correctly.

On the other hand, not every fraction may be changed into a decimal one. Let you have two numbers: a decimal number and a fraction (can't be written as a decimal one), then the decimal number must be changed into a decimal fraction for doing any mathematical operation.
Read more about decimal fractions, do sums with them, and you'll see: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating".


- fraction slash

= - is equal to; equals

- is not equal to; does not equal

× - multiplied by

÷ - divided by

+ - plus; add