Fraction Simplifier


  • Are you really interested in fractions? Ok, it's nothing difficult here.

  • Let you have a fraction a ⁄ b, then how can you know if it's a proper fraction? It's easy! Look at "a", then look at "b". What is greater?
    If "b" is greater than "a" (b > a), it means this time you have a proper fraction.

  • Let you have a fraction a ⁄ b, then how can you know if it's an improper fraction? It's easy! Look at "a", then look at "b". What is greater?
    If "a" is greater than "b" (a > b), or "a" equals "b" (a = b), it means this time you have an improper fraction.

  • If b = 10, 100, 1000 ... (i.e. denominator equals any power of ten with cardinal exponent), this case the fraction is called "decimal fraction".

  • So, this time you can say "a" is a numerator of the fraction a ⁄ b. I.e., the number standing above the fraction line is called a numerator.

  • So, the number standing under the fraction line is called "denominator".

  • Let, now your numbers have some divisors, then choose the greatest among them and you'll get the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for your numbers.

  • It's clear, you always can find not the only "common multiple" for any numbers. If you choose the least among them, you'll get Least Common Multiple (LCM) for your numbers.

  • Mixed number is a number you can only get from improper fraction by special way. So, any improper fraction may be written as a mixed number, too.