Fraction Simplifier

Online Fraction Calculator

Our Online Fraction Calculator is for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. These operations can be performed with three fractions at once. Fraction calculator can perform calculations taking into account the sign of the positive or negative fractions. In case, if you calculate three fractions at once, fraction calculator will perform multiplying fractions or dividing fractions before adding fractions or subtracting fractions.

Our Online Fraction Calculator shows the result as fraction, fraction converted to decimal number and mixed number (if in the result the numerator of fraction is greater than the denominator).

* To add fraction to calculation, just click the "Add another fraction to calculation" link.

Fraction Calculator

Enter or select numerators and denominators of fractions that you need to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Then click on the "Calculate" button.

Enter or Select NUMERATOR OR

Enter or Select DENOMINATOR OR




Enter or Select NUMERATOR OR

Enter or Select DENOMINATOR OR



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